
Message for 15th Anniversary

Message for 15th Anniversary
22 Nov 2022

As we end Work Year 2022 and enter into 2023, Precision Infocomm will reach her 15th-year milestone. As I looked back over the past 15 years to highlight the progress the company had made, and I am very proud of what we have accomplished together thus far. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some thoughts and key areas that will assist us to move forward on this exciting journey in years to come.

Precision Infocomm started in 2008 selling only satellite phones and SIM cards. Over the years, we began selling satellite communication systems, at that point time named Precision Satcom. We felt that apart from Satellite communication, we do need to provide more value to our customers not only in satellite communications but also in Information Technology (IT). After careful thought and planning and changing strategy, we officially named it Precision Infocomm in the Year 2013.

In 2015, we made a breakthrough for us as we penetrated the Taiwan market with our creativity. At that time, no one believed that we could use a phone application (Line) via satellite communication, but we did it. Now we have a firm place in the Taiwanese fishery industry market and 3 years later, in 2018, we expanded to the Japanese market. 3 years later as we wanted to extend to the next country, Covid came and we have to take a break and regroup.

In these 15 years, we have grown from just a team of 3 people sitting in the office to 3 teams of different regions. And have proven our presence in the ASEAN region. I would like first and foremost to congratulate everyone here for their prompt integration efforts despite our language barrier and for working together to optimize and streamline operations within all departments. There are many more exciting things to come in the next 1-5 years.

Internally, we are working on a company-wide ERP system that will embed all functional group's daily operations in all countries. Hence sharing best practices and selecting the most effective tool, to improve work processes. The marketing department that has been working hard on enhancing the website and innovating in social media spaces to promote brand awareness for Precision Infocomm in the satellite industry. As countries open up after covid, we will be looking for the next country to plant our Company Flag.

Externally, the satellite industry has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to covid. Ship owners and managers who used to think that an email system was enough no longer think the same during covid. Crews are spending more time on ships and not able to go home, forcing all ship owners and managers to sign up for an unlimited Internet plan.

Precision's focus over the next 5-10 years will be to use technology that is tailored to the needs of the customer and to bring each ship virtually closer to its office. Our mission statement remains the guiding principle of everything we do: "Advancing through Technology" As I always say, we should be proud of our accomplishments and confident in who we are. Our future at Precision Infocomm is bright and exciting. Working together as a team, we will not only meet our goals instead we will exceed them. Let us work hard, be safe and we look forward to our next incentive trip 2 years later.

Ben Chong
General Manager Precision Infocomm

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